Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Green Eye

Do you know someone with The Green Eye Disease, or maybe you have had it recently? Jealousy I think is one of the worst emotions we have. But we all get it. That one person who just HAD to show you up. In sports, style,grades, anything. It makes you feel lesser than that person. We also sometimes think that they are rich, show-offy, snobby, jerks. But that's not always true..Maybe they got better grades because while you played video games, they studied. Maybe they have better skills because the practice every night. You never really know! Though we should be careful of show-offy, snobby,jerks, you cant judge someone by there stuff. So beware of the Green Eye! A short blog today, I know, but more to come!

Monday, July 27, 2009

The "Nice" Girl From English Class

People that we have hear are "Backstabbers" we tend to stay away from... but what about that "nice" girl in English class? She seems pretty cool, so you ask her if she wants to get her nails done with you after school, she says yes, and you end up being the best of friends. After knowing her for a week, you tell her a secret (You like Leo, your parents are getting a divorce, you lied about something to your teacher etc.) expecting her to not tell a soul, (so you don't tell her not too). Then by the end of the day, everyone knows.And when you confront her about it, she says, "Well you didn't tell me NOT to tell anyone." Chances are, she did know you didn't want her to tell anyone, but seeing that you didn't tell her not to, she thought she could. These are the "make-up break-up"backstabbers of the world. because you sort of understand the crazy logic that they explain. So you honestly think that they didn't do it on purpose. Not to say this kinda thing cant really happen, but when it happens again and again, you have to use common sense.
So the not-so-nice girl from English class if off the hook, and your left with heartbreak. "Why does this happen?" you think. "She seemed so nice why would she do this?" Chances are, (I know you have heard it a million times) she was jealous. Maybe that boy you like, likes you back. Maybe her parents never were together. Maybe that teacher you got away with lying too, was the same teacher who never cuts her some slack. You never know... so next time you just want to hit that little, lying, backstabber, turn that anger into pity.(and happiness that that's not you. )

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Backstabber Bulletin

Who would be friends with a backstabber? That's the million dollar question. But the sad answer is, everyone. Not because they like backstabbers, because they don't know. And once they do know...its a roller coaster of "You're the worst friend in the world!" to "Oh, its OK. Just don't do it ever again." But of course they will do it again, because they got away with it. Like a child who steals a cookie. If they weren't in trouble the first time, they think its OK to do it again. When REALLY, the other party (in this case that would be you) is totally crushed and hurt.

Well here's my latest Backstabber experience... (fake names)

7:45 am
Foolishly I said,"Judy I think I might like Leo!" "REALLY?I though you still liked that other guy." I reply,"No, hes a total idiot anyways." "Oh, well I'll IM you later"
"Kay, see ya." Not really thinking about what she might do with that info, I walk away.

"Hey Kate!" I say when I see her in the halls. "Hey, lover girl." Confused I say,"What?"
"I know you like Leo." "Do not!" I lie. "Well a little birdy told me you did." "WHAT?!?"
"Actually it was judy. And she never lies." "Yeah whatever Kate. Later.""I'm gonna tell Leo you know." "Go ahead, I don't like him anyways." "Whatever liar."

"JUDY!" I scream when I see her.
"Oh hey." She says normality. "HEY??? I don't believe you!!! How COULD you?"
"What are you talking about?" She says as she cocks her head. " You told KATE I like LEO???"
"I have no idea what your talking about!!!!" She says sounding confused in a fake way.
"Oh so she just magically knows and just happens to say you told her, just after I told you?"
"But I," "Whatever Judy." I cut her off.

So Thanks for Reading! More to come! (True Story- Fake Names.)
oxoxoxo Missml
Has this happened to you? Tell me about it in your comments!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


OK, lets be honest here, we all have known them. The one person who seemed like they were the best friend ever, and that turned on you. Why? most people blame jealousy...but there are other reasons too. For example, A girl you tell a secret to, is more likely to tell that secret if they had a crummy day. They cause us pain, sadness, and
sometimes...anger. Now, that you know what this Blog is about, I can stop sounding like a therapist. The thing about these "backstabbers" is they are highly additive! They are the people you SWEAR on your life you will hate forever, but they never fail to sneakily worm there way into your heart again. For example- Every time (fake name) Judy, would tell my secrets, or start rumors about me, I would delete her number, and block her from everything from my space to yahoo. Yet somehow, I could never deny that friend request when it came back around.
I mean, you think I would learn, and so easily click "deny" but of course, that's never the case.
Maybe there just that sneaky...or maybe they convince themselves they did nothing wrong....
But whatever it is,here you will hear my weekily updates, (and my comments!)
Thanks For reading, more to come soon!!!!
oxoxoxox Missml